The majority of people spend way too much time idealizing how things ought to be, and way too little time observing and accepting how things really are. Fantasies about how life ought to be tend to obscure the facts about how life really is. People lose sight of reality and then wonder why they can't make things work out the way they would like. They end up being swept along by negative events without an understanding of what really is going on.
Reality sets certain rules for playing the game of life. It is essential that you learn these rules. Only an idiot persist in playing a game without learning the rules. Reality can be harsh, but you better respect it. Mess around with it and it will knock you down every time. If you don't mess around with reality, then it won't mess around with you.
Reality doesn't care how good your intentions are. If you mess around with gravity and reality by walking off the roof of a ten story building, you will dearly for it. Reality won't care that you were testing a new product to help humanity. The fact that you were descent person with good intentions won't make a bit different.
Life doesn't care how we would like it to be. There ought to be make less money and the poor ought to make more.
Life will never be the way we want it to be nor the way it ought to be. Accepting reality for what it is will liberate you from the imprisonment of what ought to be. Unless you see your life for what it is, and not as some fantasy representing what you would like it to be. Being able to see life as really is, and not what it ought to be, is a great asset indeed.
I just love reading books! :B